My husband
My sons
My family
My friends
Good days at Mass
Our church
Sun on my back
Clean rooms
Feeling fresh & clean
A cold glass of milk
Walking into a house that smells like dinner
Perfect hair days
Hot cocoa on rainy/windy nights
The smell of fresh coffee
For that matter, the taste of fresh coffee
Finding sweet home accessories for low prices, particularly at yard sales/Goodwill
Doing funny things for N to imitate
Wind chimes
Good food
Finishing projects
Brushing my hair
Long baths
Hot showers
Kisses & hugs from my favorite people
N's incredibly long eyelashes
Artwork with soul
When D lets me sleep in an extra 30 min or hour
Homemade gifts
The women at Fabric Depot who obviously made their kids' ADORABLE clothes
Delicious desserts
2 Responses to “Things I Love”
I have enjoyed reading your blog..we like the same things...I have added my name to your followers list, and hope to drop in often..Have a good day..Joy
A very fine list; you capture so many of the good things in life - especially walking into a house that smells like dinner, honey, smiles, wind chimes, homemade gifts, sun on one's back...
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