Meanwhile, Albermarle police Sgt. Darrell Byers informs News Virginian, "he knew of no one in his department who received information about the “fake patient.” He said it was possible the workers could have called but that no report was made," despite Planned Parenthood's assurance that the Charlottesville Planned Parenthood clinic had called local police as soon as the man they believed to be a pimp had left.
Although Planned Parenthood officials continue to maintain the moral integrity of most employees caught on tape aiding a self-identified sex trafficker, they meanwhile have informed the New York Times of their plans to retrain staff members nationwide. Erik Ekholm of the NYT writes, "When the retraining is completed in April, 'termination of employment is the only possible action' when staff members do not report potential abuses of minors, the federation said in a statement."
David Schmidt at LiveAction has this response,
Planned Parenthood is on the ropes and it knows that the public is watching. If they admit to too many problems, they will face further investigation and loss of public support. If they ignore the problem, they will be seen as not taking child sex abuse seriously. Planned Parenthood isn’t being guided by a moral principal to do the right thing (they would have done the right thing on tape if that is who they were) but rather a public relationship strategy to save their organization in the face of shocking video evidence.
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